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Fountains Tomato Sauce

Now available ONLY at Aussie Food Express. Click the blue link below:
  • Fountain Tomato Sauce at
    • The taste of Australia for generations

      Many Australians have fond memories of smothering their meat pies with thick and rich Fountain Tomato Sauce, or sharing a summer family barbecue with Fountain Barbecue and Steak Sauces. It's no secret that Australians love and trust Fountain, a brand with rich history and heritage that spans over a century.

      Australia's much-loved sauce was born in 1906 when W.C. Douglas company, a Sydney-based grocery wholesaler, started making Fountain Tomato Sauce in its Goodlet Street factories. Tomatoes were grown and harvested in Mudgee, then trucked to Goodlet Street where the product was pulped.

LARGE Glass Bottle (600ml) — Go To US $0.00
Squeeze Bottle (500ml) — Go To US $0.00

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Fountains Tomato Sauce Reviews

Susan from Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, USA on February 08, 2012:
Best sauce out there. We used to fill our carry ons with it but as we cannot do that any more, I am thrilled to have this available. No extra flavors, simply tomato, fresh tasting. Only thing that even comes close in US is an organic sauce but still not as nice!