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Arnotts Tim Tams

Full Tim Tam Range now available ONLY at Aussie Food Express. Click the blue link below:
  • Arnott's Original Tim Tam at
    • Looking for authentic Tim Tam biscuits? At Simply Oz, we've got the genuine article - the original Arnott's brand, imported direct from Australia.

      Accept no substitutes. Other brands may try to copy the Tim Tam, but only Arnott's features the trademark cream mixture of vanilla, butter, and chocolate on a delicious biscuit base.

      Stock up now on Australia's most popular chocolate biscuits (or "cookies," as our American friends call them). Then you, too, can try that delightful Australian custom known as the Tim Tam Slam.

ORIGINAL (11 Biscuits) — Go To US $0.00

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Arnotts Tim Tams Reviews

Joshua from Massachusetts on June 21, 2007:
I traveled to Australia with the People to People Progam in 2005. Our tour guide, who was with us the whole trip, taught us how to do a Tim Tam Slam on our last night in Australia. I went to the grocery store before I returned and bought a good amount of Tim Tams to share with my family as a way to teach them about Australia. The whole family enjoyed them. They are my favorite and until I found this site, I have been craving them. Now, I can order some!
Elizabeth from NewYork on May 27, 2007:
I found about these biscuits for a video review contest on and they were AWESOME!!! They melt in you my chocolate, is sooo yummy. I not even abig fan of chocolate. The caramel ones are the best!!! The love ones are loveable, but none of them are share-able so order extra!!!!!
Sibyl from Sacramento on May 15, 2007:
After reading some reviews i came across another parent of student who was fortunate to go to Australia with "People to People". My daughter was so excited for us to try the Timtams when she returned to the States. She lived off of these for weeks while in Australia. They are now a family favorite!!
on May 09, 2007:
Ah, Tims Tams... Simply Australian - you saved this homesick Aussie's life :)
on March 10, 2007:
Hi there,
My family have recently returned to Perth after 2 years in New Jersey. We had a great time and are now suffering Dunkin Donut withdrawals as well as withdrawals from the easy of on-line shopping in the US.

I just wanted to say thanks for providing the wonderful service that you do. I was very sick during my pregancy in the US and my husband was able to provide me all the necessary Aussie comfort foods through your magical site (cordial, twisties, arnotts biscuits etc). Really you were a lifesaver.

Thanks and good luck
