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Duffy's Crumpets

Now available ONLY at Aussie Food Express. Click the blue link below:
  • Duffy's Crumpets at
    • Duffy's Incredible Crumpets are a taste of Oz made in the US. These fat-free, sugar-free crumpets are the perfect companion to your daily dose of Vegemite.

      Toast until crunchy and golden brown. Then cover with your favourite spread.

      Crumpets are also great covered with honey ... LOX and cream cheese ... pizza ... salsa ... it's up to you! Cheers.



12.5 oz (8 pieces) — Go To US $0.00
2-PACK (16 Pieces) — Go To US $0.00

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Duffy's Crumpets Reviews

smdelacy from Danville, Danville, USA on March 21, 2016:
I became a crumpet addict on my first visit to the UK. It is almost impossible to find an authentic English crumpet in the US. (Most of my British friends don't even actually know what an "English Muffin" is.) These are by far the best and the closest. Once you have had a crumpet, you'll never want an English muffin again... (Also note: 60 calories each, fat free, 0g sugars!!)

Great served similar to an English Muffin. I eat them as a healthier (and quicker) alternative to a pancake.

Buy, eat, and enjoy!
Debby from Woodville, Woodville, USA on October 11, 2012:
YUM! Best crumpets I've found in the USA. Toast them and slather with butter. Gorgeous!
Mitchel from Searcy, Searcy, USA on April 15, 2012:
These are very delicious! They are very similar to English Muffins, but are more flat like pancakes. Very good with butter and golden syrup.