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Arnotts SAO

Now available ONLY at Aussie Food Express. Click the blue link below:
  • SAO at
    • SAO has been Australia's favourite savoury cracker for over 100 years. This large, square, flaky cracker was first launched in 1906. The origin of the name remains a mystery, although plenty of myths abound. One is that it was the name of a ship that used to call in at Newcastle port, and its captain was a friend of the Arnott family. Another is that it was the name of a sailing boat that was seen on Lake Macquarie in New South Wales, where William Arnott had a house. Or it could be the initials for Salvation Army Officer, as William Arnott's son, Arthur, joined the Salvos. Another is that it is based on the initials of Samuel Arnott, William's son. Whatever its origin, the name has become deeply etched in our language. SAOs were also one of the first biscuits to be heavily advertised in magazines and newspapers in the early part of the 1900s. In the 1960s, the famous SAO song was launched. SAOs light texture is achieved by rolling the dough into thin sheets, then carefully layering it to give distinctive bubbles and crumbs.

Size 250g — Go To US $0.00

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Arnotts SAO Reviews

Samuel from Burbank, CA on January 23, 2003:
I want to say how wonderful it is to know that really great people work at this site. I have been shopping off and on here for the past 3 years and I can only come back for more wonderful Australian food. Having grown up in Canberra, it is very heart felt when I order knowing those old feelings will come back sipping on Bush's tea, having a Tim Tam and just knowing I don't have to pay extraordiary prices by having stuff shipped directly to me from OZ. It's very comforting knowing this site exists and I wish many years of business to you. Thank you SimplyOz for being wonderful and bringing a bit of Australia to America. Cheers.
Sao from AZ on August 06, 2002:
Sao crackers are great with any toppings! Peanut butter, cheese, tomato, whatever you can dream up!